Saturday, April 14, 2012

An efficient way to backup your information

Unison allows you to synchronize a directory with an external drive or a remote host, it is like mirroring your directory.

I would like to explain only external device option.

First connect your external device

Then run Unison and create a new profile where simply specify the paths to the directories you want to keep in sync.

The synchronization is pretty straightforward, in Unison screen you will see changes are ready to apply, finally select Go from the menu.

In my case, I'm always listening new music from several genres, and when some new track please me, I copied to /media/Shared/Music directory in a corespondent directory-genre name. Since I have a bunch of new tracks in different directories. Unison helps me to copy to my backup only new tracks, in a kind of incremental backup.


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