Monday, December 20, 2010

You Lost Me

I am done, smoking gun
We've lost it all, the love is gone
She has won, now it's no fun
We've lost it all, the love is gone

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

And we tried, oh how we cried
We lost ourselves, the love has died
And though we tried you can't deny
We're left as shells, we lost the fight

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

Now I know you're sorry and we were sweet
But you chose lust when you deceived me
And you'll regret it, but it's too late
How can I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We've found our lives been changed
Babe, you lost me

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Matando nuestros sueños

El primer síntoma de el proceso de matar nuestros sueños es la falta de tiempo. La gente más ocupada piensa yo tengo que saber que en mi vida siempre hay tiempo suficiente para hacer todo. Aquellos que hacen nada estan siempre cansados y no ponen atención al pequeño esfuerzo que se requiere hacer. La queja constante que el día es muy corto. La verdad es, ellos estan temerosos de pelear una buena pelea.

El segundo síntoma de la muerte de nuestros sueños se encuentra en nuestras certezas. Porque nosotros no queremos ver la vida como una gran aventura, empezamos a pensar en nosotros mismo como sabios, justos y correctos y procurando preguntar tan poco de la vida. Miramos más allá de las paredes del día a día de nuestra existencia, y oimos el sonido de las lanzas rompiendose, olemos el polvo y el sudor, y creemos que ni la victoria o derrota son importantes; pero lo que es importante es solo que ellos están si están peleando una buena pelea.

Y finalmente, el tercer síntoma el dejar pasar nuestros sueños en paz. La vida se vuelve un Domingo en la tarde; y pedimos nada importante, y desistimos de pedir nada mas de lo que nosotros podemos dar. En ese estado, nosotros pensamos en nosotros como maduros; ponemos de lado las fantasías de nuestra juventud, y buscamos logros personales y profesionales. Nosotros estamos sorprendidos cuando la gente de nuestra edad dice que ellos aún quieren hacer esto o aquellos en la vida. Pero realmente, en el fondo de nuestro corazón, nosotros sabemoos que lo que está pasando es que hemos renunciado a la batalla de nuestros sueños. Nosotros hemos decidido no pelear una buena pelea.

Traducción de blog de Paulo Coelho.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


* Preocupación: Es el mecanismo psicológico que nos pide hacer algo. Lo que nos provoca hacer algo es la energía del miedo. Usualmente miedo a las consecuencias. Por la preocupación, la persona tiende a evitar pensar en ello. Por lo tanto cae en un circulo vicioso . El miedo causa no acción, y la no acción causa preocupación.

* Ansiedad: Es miedo cuya causa no es especifico o vago. Mientras la preocupación es algo especifico e identificado. Ansiedad es el resultado de repetidos miedos no procesados que se han acomulado en el subconsciente. Se ha convertido en un vago sentimiento a cerca de inminente desfortuna pero la cual no puede ser tratada porque no es específica. Para resolverlo, debe primero convertirse en una preocupación específica, y entonces se pueden aplicar los lineamientos de como manejar la preocupación.

* Panico: Es un miedo abrumador que hace que la persona se confunda y no esté clara de que hacer. Este es el resultado acumulado de muchos miedos, preocupaciones y ansiedad que no han sido resueltos y no han sido manejados bien. Algunas veces se produce un ataque de panico, los cuales provocan inexplicables reacciones que pueden no se tener una causa inmediata pero que se manifiestan en la persona.

* Fobias: Son reacciones al miedo las cual se catalogan en (a) Exagerar el daño que se corre, como saltar y chillar a la vista de una rata o cucaracha o (b) Irracional, como temblar cuando se ve la foto de una araña.

* Trauma: Es una "herida" psicológica que aun causa angustia en la persona. Estrictamente hablando, miedos adquiridos con traumas en diferentes grados de intensidad. Pero un trauma se convierte en patológico cuando causa periodica angustia como pesadillas, reacciones intesas a algo que nos recuerda, o perturbaciones en la vida diaria y trabajo.

* Envidia: Es una emoción compleja, puesto que es una mezcla de un número de cosas: Baja autoestima, resentimiento y miedo. Nosotros no envidiamos el éxito o logros de personas de la cuales nos identificamos con ellas, por ejemplo las que amamos o nos importan. Pues sus logros los sentimos como nuestros. Por otro lado, los logros de aquellos de los cuales no podemos identificarmos, particularmente de aquellos de los cuales estamos resentidos, se convierten en amenaza a nuestra auto estima.

* Pena: Involucra cambios en expresión física que denotan perplejidad o confusión al mismo tiempo. La pena puede no tener causa alguna, como cuando alguién cae en desgracia. Por lo tanto no es causa de enojo hacia alguien (excepto tal vez hacias si mismo). La consecuencia es esconderla y no querer enfrentar la situación. Por el miedo a lo que las personas pueden pensar o decir.

Traducción de blog de Paulo Coelho.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Extreme Programming Explained

XP is a style of software development focusing on excellent application of programming techniques, clear communication, and teamwork which allow us to accomplish things we previously could not even imagine. XP Includes:

* A philosophy of software development based on the values of communication, feedback, simplicity, courage, and respect.
* A body of practices proven useful in improving software development, The practices complement each other, amplifying their effects. The are chosen as expressions of the values.
* It's short development cycles, resulting in early, concrete, and continuing feedback.
* XP is a lightweight methodology for small-to-medium-sized teams developing software in the face of vague or rapidly changing requirements.
* XP Creates and maintains a comprehensive suite of automated tests, which are run and rerun after every change to ensure a quality baseline. XP always keeps the system in deployable condition. Problems are not allowed to accumulate.
* XP insists that only the highest priority task are addressed.
* XP asks programmers to accept responsibility for estimating and completing their own work, gives them feedback about the actual time taken so their estimates can improve, and respects those estimates.
 * XP  is like driving because: "Driving is not about getting the car going in the right direction. Driving is about constantly paying attention, making a little correction this way, a little correction that way." This is the paradigm for XP, Stay aware. Adapt. Change.
* XP embraces five values to guide development: communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect.

   - Communication: When you encounter a problem, ask yourselves if the problem was caused by a lack of communication.
   - Simplicity: Is the most intensely intellectual of the XP values. 
   - Feedback: XP teams strive to generate as much feedback as they can handle as quickly as possible. They try to shorten the feedback cycle to minutes or hours instead of weeks or months. The sooner you know, the sooner you can adapt.
   - Courage: Is effective action in the face of fear. Sometimes courage manifest as a bias to action. If you know what the problem is,  do something about it. Sometimes courage manifest as patience. If you there is a problem but you don't know what it is, it takes courage to wait for the real problem to emerge distinctly.
   - Respect: If members of a team don't care about each other and what they are doing, XP won't work. If members of a team don't care about a project, nothing can save it. For software development to simultaneously improve in humanity and productivity, the contributions of each person on the team need to be respected. I am important and so are you. 


Humanity. People develop software, that's the way because we need to pay attention to: Basic Safety, Accomplishment (Opportunity to contribute to their society), Belonging (The ability to identify with a group from which they receive validation and accountability and contribute to its shared goals), Growth (Opportunity to expand their skills and perspective). Intimacy (The ability to understand and be understood deeply by others).

Economics:  Solving the highest priority business need first maximizes the value of the project.

Mutual Benefit: I write automated tests that help me design and implement better today, I leave these tests for future programmers to use as well. This practice benefits me now and maintainers down the road. 
I carefully refactor to remove accidental complexity, giving me both satisfaction and fewer defects and making the code easier to understand for those who encounter later.
Mutual benefit is the most important XP principle.

Diversity: In order to think of multiple ways to solve problems, and to implement solutions. Development teams need diversity. Two ideas about design present an opportunity, not a problem. The principle of diversity suggest that the programmers should work together on the problem and both opinions should be valuated.

Opportunity: Choosing to transform each problem into an opportunity for personal growth, deepening relationships, and improved software. 

Failure: If you're having trouble succeeding, fail. Don't know which of the three ways to implement a story? Try it all three ways. Even if they all fail, you'll certainly learn something valuable.

Quality: Projects don't go faster by accepting lower quality. The don't go slower by demanding higher quality. Pushing quality higher often results in faster delivery; while lowering  quality standards often results in later, less predictable delivery. 

Responsibility: cannot be assigned; it can only be accepted, if someone tries to give you responsibility, only you can decide if you are responsible or if you aren't.

Primary Practices.

Whole Team: People need a sense of "team":
* We belong.
* We are in this together.
* We support each other's work, growth, and learning.

Stories: When your team are doing estimation be sure that your story has all constraints in that case the team can split in task and do it in a informed decision way.

Pair Programming: 
* Keep each other on task.
* Brainstorm refinements to the system.
* Clarify ideas.
* Take initiative when their partner is stuck, thus lowering frustration.
* Hold each other accountable to the team's practices.
In addition: Rotate pairs frequently, personal hygiene and health are important issues when pairing.

Enjoy it: Amazon

Monday, October 04, 2010

Clean Code

Bad Code.

Programmers create problems for themselves when they write code solely to satisfy a compiler or interpreter.

Have you ever been significantly impeded by bad code? If you're a programmer if any experience then you've felt this impediment many times. Indeed, we have a name for it "wading".


Most managers want good code, even when they are obsessing about the schedule. They may defend the schedule and requirements with passion; but that's their job. It's our job to defend the code with equal passion.

To drive this point home, what if you were a doctor and had a patient who demanded that you stop all the silly hand-washing in preparation for surgery because it was taking too much time? Clearly the patient is the boss; and yet the doctor should absolutely refuse to comply. Why? Because the doctor knows more than the patient about the risks of disease and infection. It would be unprofressional (never mind criminal) for the doctor to comply with the patient.

So too is unprofessional for programmers to bend to the will of managers who don't understand the risks of making messes.

LeBlanc's Law

Why we wrote bad code?, Were you trying to go fast? Were you in a rush? Probably so. Perhaps you felt that you didn't have time to do a good job; that you boss would be angry with you if you took the time to clean up your code. We've all felt the relief of seeing our messy program work and deciding that a working mess is better than nothing. We've all said we'd go back and clean it up later. Of course, in those days we didn't know LeBlanc's law: Later equals never.

Kent Beck Rules
* Run ALL the tests
* Contains no duplication
* Express ALL the design ideas that are in the system
* Minimizes the number of entities (classes, methods, functions)

* Too many arguments
The ideal number of arguments in a function is zero (niladic). Next comes one (monadic), followed closely by two (dyadic). Three arguments (triadic) should be avoided where possible. More than three (polyadic) requires very special justification and then shouldn't be used anyway.
* Flag arguments
Flag arguments are ugly. Passing a boolean into a function is a truly terrible practice. It immediately complicates the signature of the method, loudly proclaiming that this function does more than one thing.
* Dead functions
Methods that are never called should be discarded. Keeping dead code around is wasteful. Don't be afraid to delete the function, your source code control system still remembers it.
Commented-Out Code
Few practices are as odious as commenting-out code. Don't do this!.

// InputStream resultsStream = formatter.getResultStream();
// StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resultsStream);
// response.setContent(;

Others who see that commented-out code won't have the courage to delete it. They'll think it is there for a reason and is too important to delete. So commented-out code gathers like dregs at the bottom of a bad bottle of wine.

* With functions we measured size by counting physical lines. With classes we use different measure. We count responsibilities.
* Wrapping particular implementations in more abstract methods, is also part to avoid duplication.
* When you're coding, you're an author and you have readers,   indeed the ratio of time spent reading vs writing is well over 10:1
* The fewer methods a class has, the better. The fewer variables a function knows about, the better. The fewer variables a class has, the better.
* Well-defined modules have very small interfaces that allow you to do a lot with a little. Concentrate on keeping interfaces very tight and very small. Help keep coupling low by limiting information.
* Before you consider yourself to be done with a function, make sure you understand how it works. Often the best way to gain this knowledge and understanding is to refactor the function into something that is so clean and expressive that it is obvious how it works.
* Boolean logic is hard enough to understand without having to see it in the context of an if or while statement. Extract functions that explain the intent of the conditional.

* Don't return null
* Don't pass null as parameter
* Take care about quality on Junit test code
* Follow SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
* Maintain cohesion, when classes lose cohesion split them.
* If you do something a certain way, do all similar things in the same way.
* Consider polymorphism before using a switch or if/else statements.
* Avoid negative conditionals (Negatives are just a bit harder to understand that positives) So, when possible, conditionals should be expressed as positives. For example:


is preferable to


Amazon Enjoy it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

El secreto de sus ojos

Ésta se ha convertido en una de mis películas favoritas, el tema... los ojos, el espejo del alma. El único poder del ser humano, el de la toma de sus decisiones, los diferentes caminos que puede tomar una historia. De investigación y asesinatos.


-Es por el tema de las miradas, vos ves a ese tipillo mirando a ésa mujer adorándola. Los ojos hablan.
Usted no sabe lo que es al amor de ése tipo, conmueve.. es como si la muerte de la mujer, lo hubiera dejado para siempre allí eterno, ¿me entiende?.
Usted se imagina lo que debe ser un amor así sin el desgaste de lo cotidiano, de lo olbigatorio.
- Lo dirá por usted, porque a mi no me pasa.

El tipo puede hacer cualquier cosa para parecer distinto, pero hay una cosa que no puede cambiar, ni él ni vos ni yo.
Mirame a mi, soy un tipo joven una mujer que me quiere, pero me sigo cansando la vida viniendo a lugares como éste, mas de una vez me dijiste ¿porqué estás aqui? Pablo, ¿Qué haces ahí? y sabes ¿Porqué estoy Benjamín?. Porque me apasiona, me gusta venir acá. Y vos lo mismo, no hay como sácarte a Irene.
Y ella tiene mas ganas de casarse que Susanita, ha de tener 37 revistas de traje de novia arriba del escritorio, se comprometió con fiesta y todo, pero vos seguís esperando el milagro Benjamín. ¿Sabés porque? ...

-¿Cómo hizo usted para aprender a vivir sin ella?
-Pasaron 25 años Expósito
-El tipo suelto por allí, ¿Cómo hizo para empezar todo de nuevo?
-Pasaron 25 años. Olvidesé. ¿A usted que le importa?, es mi vida no la suya.
-Sí es mi vida también. Su amor por ésa mujer no volví a ver otra vez en nadie. Nunca.

Cuando vean la película pongan atención a:

La analogía de la máquina de escribir.
Cuando hablan de la novela en primera persona.
El secreto de sus ojos.
Como le ha pagado Morales a Expósito la que le debía.    

Enjoy it. IMDB.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres

Homofobia, misoginia, suspenso y más, temas centrales de ésta película, traducción literal. Los hombres que odian a las mujeres.
Película de escenas fuertes y controversiales. Me encantó el personaje de Lizbeth, lista, atrevida, comprometida con lo que ama.
Un poco decepcionada de lo que ha sido su vida, pero componiendo el camino.

Solo faltó la mujer que no amaba a los hombres.

-¿Eres Lizbeth?
-Pensaba venir hace mucho tiempo.
-Estas tan cambiada.. ¿Tienes un hombre?
-Hay alguién... pero no hay que enamorarse, tú lo sabes mejor que nadie.
¿Verdad mamá?
-Perdón por no elegir un mejor padre para ti.
-Mamá era a ti a quien maltrataba.

Basado en el libro de periodista social sueco Stieg Larsson, el primero de su Trilogía Millennium.Narra la historia alrededor de Harriet Vanger desaparecida por más de 36 años. Historia de crimen y castigo, de perversiones sexuales, de trampas financieras y fanatismo religioso. De una pareja memorable.

-¿Qué pasó realmente ahí afuera?
-No ha muerto en un accidente, ¿no?
-Por dios Lizbeth, su padre la ha enseñado a ser un asesino desde que tenía 16 años. Cualquiera se vuelve un desequilibrado con un padre así.
-No hables de él como si fuera una víctima, por poco te mata. Mataba y violaba por puro placer.
Tuvo las mismas oportunidades que todos, uno elige quien quiere ser.
Era un maldito que odiaba a las mujeres.
-¿Cómo murio?
-¿Pudiste salvarlo?

Enjoy it IMDB

Monday, September 13, 2010

Låt den rätte komma in

Sueco: Låt den rätte komma in
Inglés: Let the right one in.
Español: Déjame entrar.

Película de Tomas Alfredson. País Suecia.
Una historia de amor, en un transfondo macabro dónde se narra la historia de Oskar un niño rubio de 12 años que vive en Blackeberg, un suburbio de la ciudad de Estocolmo y Eli una niña vampiro que desde su llegada desencadena muertes en una ciudad dónde las personas se ven sólo en bares y dentro de departamentos, por el poco tiempo de luz del sol y por la nieve que cubre casi todas las partes del lugar.

Una película basada en una novela que se me antojaba leer primero, sobre todo por ciertas razones que no se explican, como cuando en varias ocaciones Eli le dice a Oskar que no es una niña.

Acá un extracto del dialogo como ejemplo:

¿Eres vampiro?.
Vivo de la sangre. Si.
¿Estas muerto?
No. ¿No se nota?
¿Pero eres muy viejo?
Solo tengo 12 ... pero he tenido 12 por mucho tiempo.

Ésta película me trajo de recuerdo uno de los principales mitos sobre los vampiros:
Un vampiro no puede entrar a tu casa si es que no es invitado.

Otro buen fragmento:

Eli. ¿Quieres andar conmigo?
¿A Que te refieres?
Si quieres ser mi novia.
Oskar, no soy una niña
De todos modos, ¿quieres ser mi novia?
¿No podríamos seguir igual que como ahora?
¿Haces algo especial cuando andas con alguien?
¿Entonces todo será igual?
Entonces vamos andar juntos, tú y yo.
¿En serio?... Bueno.

Puntos a notar cuando veas Déjame entrar.

1. La luz del sol en los vampiros.
2. ¿Porqué el tutor de Eli se pone esa sustancia en la cara?
3. La venganza como tema recurrente.
4. Porque a Eli se refieren como un ente masculino.
5. El dialogo entre Oskar y Eli al final de la película.

Tengo que irme y vivir o quedarme y morir. Tuyo Eli.

Enjoy it. IMDB

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Top 100 Djs 2010

My vote for the Top 100 Djs in this year.

Nitrous Oxide - Dreamcatcher

I want to comment about another album that is really good, launched in April 13th 2010. Nitrus Oxide - Dreamcatcher.
I knew about this great trance material thanks to Paavo from Above & Beyond who presented it in Trance around the world 313 (TATW) on Guest Mix section.

I should recommend tracks like:
Mirrors Edge
North Pole (Album Edit)
Blurry Motion

But all the tracks have a good taste that only a man with a really capable hands like Nitorus Oxide can provide.

Enjoy it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Way Out West - We Love Machine

Since Deadmau5 - Random Album Title  I haven't listen to some good house based album,
but today I found a really good one. Way Out West - We Love Machine. Released on 2009. I should describe this Album some kind a Downtempo, House and Minimal. It includes a perfect song.
Way Out West - We Love Machine (First Tack). Also I recommend you to listen  Jaytech version.

In this year Armada launch a new version from this album, Way Out West - We Love Machine (The Remixes). Which is the same concept but with another beat music oriented.

If you want it, please let me know. Enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


¿Puede un esclavo decidir el destino de un emperador?

Terminé de leer un libro mas a cerca de Caligula. La mayoría de los autores conciden en mostrar a Cayo César Germánico como el emperador mas despiadado, sanginario que existió, y Douglas Jackson no es la excepción.

Como cuando narra cuando Caligula ordena llamar a una persona que él mismo había ordenado matar hacía una semana y no se acordaba de ello.

Vuelven a plantear a Caligula enamorado de su hermana Drusila y aunque no mencionan mucho a Tiberio su tío, si un par de veces a Gemelo, el que fué destinado a compartir el imperio.

Rico personaje el de Rufo, protagonista de la historia, el cual es un esclavo que tiene un don especial para tratar con animales salvajes. Lleno de valientia, determinación y coraje.

Cúpido mistico gladiador del circo romano, triunfador de batallas en el coliseo y amigo y compañero de Rufo en ésta historia que nos llevará de la mano con mas novela que historia, pero rica en contenido.

Lo que mas me gustó es como el autor nos encamina al final de su novela, que aunque no es muy diferente de  lo que pasó en realidad, si se esmera por transportarnos a una de las partes por las cuales mas me ha llamado la atención  la historia romana, las entrañas de ésa civilización.

Frontera del Rin 18, dC-

Douglas Jackson - Bestiarius (Gandhi)

Thursday, August 05, 2010

The Fourth Kind

Nome town Alazka had homicides, missing people, dozens of them It's been happening there since the 1960s, and the FBI have been dropping from time to time.

They have different categories for these types of things. Differents levels An encounter of the first kind, that when you see a UFO. The second kind is when you see evidence of it: crop circles, radiation.The third kind is when you make contact.But the fourth kind, there's nothing more frightening than the fourth. You see, that one is when they abduct you.

All this is about The fourth Kind. part real, part fiction, that we called mockumentary. In my perspective you can find a lot of sense about phenomenon, consequence patterns and behavior on people who for some reason was abducted.

In fact exist a web site that is an international center for abduction research ICAR. (WEB_SITE) an organization devoted to the dissemination of trustworthy information about UFO abductions.
Exposes and explain knoledge about:

* A Typical Abduction Event
* The Exam
* Egg and Sperm Harvesting
* Fetal Implant and Extraction
* Incubatorium
* Hybrid Babies

Where David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. said I wrote most of the information on this web site based on more than 42 years of UFO research.  In addition, since 1986 I have conducted over 1,000 hypnotic regressions with abductees. 

If you're looking for entertainment this movie is ideal for that.
Enjoy it. IMDB

Friday, May 07, 2010


After Dogville, the next natural step is to see Manderlay, and again Lars von Trier has judged America, in this time whit the slavery topic. Now I want to extract some important dialogs on Manderlay.

Grace father's: Listen Grace, it's a local matter. It's not for us to poke our noses in.
Grace: Just because it's a local matter? It's not our responsibility.
You think the Negroes wanted to leave Africa?
Wasn't us who brought them here?
We've done them a great wrong. It's our abouse that's made them what they are.

Here another dialog.

Thimoty: When we were slaves, we were not required to offer thanks for our supper and for the water we drank and the air we breathed.
Grace: Nobody needs to say thank you ...But.
Thimoty: But what? You mean there's something we ought to be thankful for?
Grace: There's no reason to be grateful for anything as natural as you freedom.
I'm the first to apologize for everything.
You and you people have been subjected to.
Those gates should have been unlocked years ago.
Thimoty: Only 70 years ago. But before that, of course they were completly justified.

After slavery in Manderlay owners offer lend some money to all black people,  and also put a store. In Mexico history between years 1810 and 1910 was happening something similar we called "Tiendas de Raya" Which is basically the same, pretend to offer employment to someone on places that we called "Haciendas" and let all people to work with no more chance to get supplies from "tienda de raya" (larder store) instead of money, in that way "hacendados" (Hacienda's owners) keep control in workers and market.

When you see Manderlay I should suggest to pay attention to:

Why numbers from 1 to 7 repesented the psychological division of the Manderlay slaves.
Why nobody took care about cotton plantation time
Why they can not cut down The old Lady's Garden.
What are the negative inherited behavior patterns at Manderlay.
Why Grace are thining that Manderlay is a moral obligation.
Is justified to kill by common agreement?

Enjoy it IMDB

Friday, April 16, 2010


Dogville is a great movie by Lars von Trier who presented his film at Cannes Film Festival.
Nicole Kidman was great as usual on this film, and at least I think how important was his role to present someone who became an stranger immigrant in United States of America.

There is no escaping the fact that the entire point of Dogville is that von Trier has judged America, even presenting uncomfortable photographs of depression era and crime victims under the end credits.

Another relevant atmosphere on Dogville was the scenario, more closer to minimalist, that bring us opportunity to pay attention to people more than things.

When you see Dogville, I suggest to pay attention to:
1. The "fragile" gooseberry bushes analogy.
2. Why Grace constitutes the notion of boundless love.
3. Dog's analogy.
4. The fact that is not really important what you see or what you hear. Is really important your reaction about it.
5. You should turn the other cheek or an eye for an eye dilemma.
6. The Grace dialog with her father:

Grace: So, I'm arrogant because I forgive people?

Grace father's: Can't you see how condescending you are when you say that?
I mean, you have this preconceived notion that nobody can't possiblly attain the same high ethical standars as you, so you exonerate them. I can not think of anything more arrogant than that.
You, my dear child you forgive others with excuses that you would never in the world permit for yourself.

Grace: Why shouldn't I be merciful?

Grace father's: You should be merciful when there is time to be merciful.
But you must maintain your own standard. You owe them that.
The penalty you deserve for your transgressions, they deserve for they transgressions.

Grace: They are human beings

Grace father's: Does every human beign need to be accountable for their action?
Of course they do. But you don't even give them that chance.
All that is extremely arrogant.

Enjoy it. IMDB

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Do you need a hug?

A Hug means:

1. I love you
2. You're important to me
3. I want you near to me
4. You're part of me
5. I need you
6. Today I want to stay with you.
7. I'm glad to see you

These are the reasons why you should give a hug to people who you love.
Best Regards.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Twilight & Vampires

Recently I saw twitight and new moon, It was very interesting because is a new point of view about vamires and wolfman. In my perspective, the most famous vampire is because Bram Stoker work who wrote Dracula. The history said that:

1. Probably Dracula was based on "Vlad the Impaler" is said to have killed from 40,000 to 100,000 European civilians (political rivals, criminals, and anyone else he considered "useless to humanity") Mainly by using his favourite method of impaling them on a sharp pole.

2. Stoker came across the name Dracula in his reading on Romanian history, and chose this to replace the name (Count Wampyr) that he had originally intended to use for his villain.

3 It has been suggested that Stoker was influenced by the history of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who was born in the Kingdom of Hungary. Bathory is suspected to have tortured and killed anywhere between 36 and 700 young women over a period of many years, and it was commonly believed that she committed these crimes in order to bathe in or drink their blood, believing that this preserved her youth.

More than that, wisdom of the masses are pointed to:

1.They need blood to survive because it is the elixir of life, without blood they will die.
2.The blood gives them energy, power and replenishes their body.  It is the key to immortality.
3.They only come out at night because they fear sunlight. Sun represents a pagan god in our ancient culture, Sun is a gift from god to us. In that sense vampire means antigod. someone who is not included or refuse god present.
4.They have the ability to shapeshift in other words change into an animal like bats, rats, cats, raven and wolves.
5.They can control and read human thought.
6.They live in their graves during the day and rise during the night
7.They have no reflections, so when they look in the mirror they don't see anything.
8.Vampires die if they have been staked through the heart by wood, burned or by decapitation and removing the brain
9.When vampires drink the blood of a person that person will turn into a vampire.

But in the movie is like vampire is cool, they are living in great houses and enjoy to drive a mercedes benz or volvo cars, some of them are helping to people fighting agains dangerous clans. They can fall in love with humans.

So the interesting thing regarding to all this concept is that new generations will change vampires perspective.
From Bram Stoker history to some more human and kindness vampires.

Based on a small talk with Eduardo Moranchel (@ed_zero)

Enjoy it. IMDB

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain

A beautiful mix between shy and courage in a single woman. I love Amélie movie because can bring me a lot of  sense in my life, I'm thinking always in others as part of myself, and at least she reflects his commitment to  others because she undertands that other's are also part of her life.

I love also Amélie voice, and her strage shoes, she has an expresive black eyes, and finally I love all the soundtracks  from Poulain movie.

Some scenes that really like are:
1. She escorts a blind man to the Metro station, giving him a rich description of the street scenes he passes.
2. She persuades her father to follow his dream of touring the world by stealing his garden gnome and having an air-hostess friend send pictures of it from all over the world.
3. Raymond Dufayel, a painter who continually repaints Le Déjeuner des canotiers, because he has repeatedly painted  same piece because he cannot quite capture the excluded look of the girl drinking a glass of water. And that remains me how difficult is to finish some painting work.
4. Love story.

Enyoy it. IMDB

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tengo una soledad
tan concurrida
tan llena de nostalgias
y de rostros de vos
de adioses hace tiempo
y besos bienvenidos
de primeras de cambio
y de último vagón.

Tengo una soledad
tan concurrida
que puedo organizarla
como una procesión
por colores
y promesas
por época
por tacto y por sabor.

Sin un temblor de más,
me abrazo a tus ausencias
que asisten y me asisten
con mi rostro de vos.

Estoy lleno de sombras
de noches y deseos
de risas y de alguna maldición.

Mis huéspedes concurren,
concurren como sueños
con sus rencores nuevos
su falta de candor.

Yo les pongo una escoba
tras la puerta
porque quiero estar solo
con mi rostro de vos.

Pero el rostro de vos
mira a otra parte
con sus ojos de amor
que ya no aman
como víveres
que buscan a su hambre
miran y miran
y apagan la jornada.

Las paredes se van
queda la noche
las nostalgias se van,
no queda nada.

Ya mi rostro de vos
cierra los ojos.

Y es una soledad
tan desolada.

Mario Benedetti

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Caramel - Nadine Labaki

In this last weekend I saw Caramel by director/actress Nadine Labaki. This film was premiered on Cannes Film Festival, all this story is in Beirut City and about five beautiful woman's working in a beauty salon. I was enjoying Nadine's work who represents Layale, a woman who is not following all Islam laws as the anothers coworkers in the Si Belle salon.

The title Caramel refers to an epilation method. And Nadine was looking to present the reality by who are living in Beirut.

Basically Islamic law provides for differences between women's and men's roles, rights, and obligations. Majority Muslim countries give women varying degrees of rights with regards to marriage, divorce, civil rights, legal status, dress code.

This movie is not explicit like persepolis but you can find the same focusing context.
Caramel IMDB

Sunday, March 14, 2010

1. My love to you is more than Above & Beyond
2. Listen your voice is like to listen Armin Van Buuren
3. I'm a Deadmau5 in your mousetrap
4. You're like a ticket to Paul Van Dyk
5. Te amo a Ti.Esto y loco por ti.
6. L'Amour toujours bella ragazza
7. I know that I'm just a wave in your Ocean Lab
8. You're to me like Southern Sun to Paul Oakenfold
9. You showed me the way to the Cosmic Gate.
10. Te amo ATB ebé.

by josdem

Monday, March 08, 2010

Save the Planet & the 2012 prophecy

Nowadays is very common to listen something like "The world ends", At the end of 2012 our earth will suffer storms, floods, earthquakes, and so on so forth. And every time... I think that how is possible to be so arrogant. The Planet Earth was & will be stronger than us. We can't destroy it. If we're crossing the line, the planet will destroy to us even though, it will exist. Why we're not talking about don't let the planet destroy us?.

Because save the planet give us a power, action and kindness sensation, otherwise "Don't let the planet destroy us" can conduct us to despair, weakness, to our real dimension to our poor and limit capabilities.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Winner stands alone

In the new book from Coelho seems like I'm reading another author, and is because is so different to another books from him in terms of style.

The history is based on Cannes film festival where Coelho shows life style and glamour on models looking for a chance, directors and rich people.

I love Coelho's books because always I can get new quotes as lessons on my life, like this:

1. Love only lives on freedom.
2. Because the only reason to change from angel to evil suddenly is that you have feelings like revenge and resentment in your heart.
3. Religion leaders normally using afraid and guilty instead of love that in theory is more important.
4. Some experments results shows that if two persons have been to much time together can realize the other presence in a same ambient even if one can't see or know about other presence.

In addition the reason why I like this book is because of the character Igor .  On one hand he is portrayed as a man of principle who becomes a serial killer, in hope to winning his wife back. On the other hand he is shown as Mr. Devil through the eyes of his ex-wife. Also I knew thanks to this book the history behind on Gary Ridgway, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson all serial killers from USA.

Concluding the book is good because is a new theme explored by Coelho.

The winner stands alone - Amazon

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Return

Two brothers had an unexpected visit from their father, who just they remember by
photographs. He is really their father ?. Why he come back after many years ?.

The brothers will find responses in a isolate island. Traveling with a man who put their life in chaos. But more than a beautiful history you can delight views in north of Russia Enjoy it.



Now I'm working in a open source project with Omar (@Zageyiff). The idea is to increase my knowledge as Developer with new challenges, besides with this effort I'll be able to contribute to the huge open source community.

In order to understand what JAudioScrobbler means, first we need to take a look at . builds a detailed profile of each user's musical taste by recording details of the songs the user listens to, either from some media player, or  many portable music devices.

JAudioScrobbler send all your mp4 &  mp3 tracks that exist in a specific directory as tracks listened  to site. In addition search which tracks have Artist & Track name but that missing album in the metadata, JAudioScrobbler send a request to MusicBrainz  in order to get that specific album and track number.

The main goal for JAudioScrobbler is provide all metadata (album, tracknumer, lyrics, cover art, etc) that we can get from some API available on  the principal music vendors databases & engine sites.

Now we're able to download JAudioScrobbler from google code from here:  Download

There are only two features that I'm thinking about but is working progress and in a sort time we can get another cool functionality or even more open Source projects.

BTW this is my lastfm profile: josdem

Best regards,

Jose Luis De la Cruz.

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