Monday, December 28, 2009
Desde niña debió aficionarse a las ciencias, recibe lecciones de aritmética, geometría, astronomia y medicina, aprende a dibujar, a tocar el sistro (el arpa de siete cuerdas), a cantar.
Monta a caballo, practica la equitación y a una edad en que su belleza aun no ha terminado de brotar, ya se interesa en los medios para conservarla y redacta un tratado sobre cosmeticos.
A los dieciocho años Cleopatra se ve obligada a compartir el trono con su hermano pequeño Tolomeo XIII pues fue la voluntad de su padre al morir.
Durante los años que siguen, Tolomeo XIII se opone a todo lo que intenta su hermana, y todo lo que ella consigue es muy a su pesar.
El poderoso Julio Cesar ha puesto sus ojos de avaricia en Egipto, el enfrentamiento es cuestión de tiempo.
Cleopatra por su parte se ve obligada a huir pues se entera de un plan por parte de de su hermano y esposo para asesinarla.
Julio Cesar ha llegado a Alejandría y Cleopatra ha enviado a un emisario Amenofis Apodoro, el mas seguro, devoto y fiel de sus hombres, pues debe hacerle saber que la reina legítima, reconocida por Roma está viva: y que no puede destituirla sin escucharla antes.
César con el rostro encendido, reconoce que es ella es el objeto de todos sus deseos, de sus ansias más secretas. Es la reina de Oriente. Su belleza, donde se combinan la juventud, la feminidad y la alegría, salta a la vista y desafía todo lo que le han contado. Su poder, aunque ya no tenga ningún poder, puede volver absolutamente desmesurado el que él tiene.
Aqui será descrito el nacimeinto divino de nuestro hijo. Serás la encarnación del dios, y tu hijo, el légitimo heredero de Egipto. Pero cuando Cleopatra da luz a su hijo, César ya ha vuelto a Roma, sólo para encontrar su destino ... asesinado por el cenado.
No es casualidad que la cobra sagrada es la protectora de la dinastía de Egipto, así como lo fue Cleopatra. Desde los principios de los tiempos la cobra es un símbolo en las coronas reales y Cleopatra de la nobleza de Egipto, con la cobra ella encontró la entrada a la eternidad, para no vivir la muerte de sus hijos y la humillación en el carro de la victoria de Octavio.
Cleopatra Jacqueline Dauxois
Friday, October 09, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
538 Dance Department podcast
Thanks to a person who is important to me, came this great podcast episodes to my knowledge. If are you enjoying house, trance, progressive music, this information could be interesting for you. The name is Radio: 538 Dance Department and beyond that exist a cool enganced podcast AAC in their work, why, let's talk about it.
The plan is provide information on each track so you're able to see what artist is playing rigth now, that is great to me because in that way I can submit some keywords to my music engine provider and I can get it ... yeah baby !
So unfortunately if you're thinking in create some examples you need a MAC & GarageBand SW or if you feel lucky try it on windows
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Francés filósofo y matemático. Construyó un sistema filosófico en el que pudriera ofrecer una solución a cualquier caos generado. Utilizó como pilar básico la razón humana, la meta era evitar el error y la duda.
Creó el método cartesiano, además de las finalidades antes mencionadas buscaba la verdad, lo cual me llama la atención, pues es lo único que en siempre deseo encontrar, pues la verdad es el fundamento de todas las cosas, está mas allá de la religión y la ciencia pues es la razón de las consecuencias.
Las reglas en las que se basa el método cartesiano son:
1. Regla de la evidencia: "No admitir jamás como verdadero cosa alguna sin conocer con evidencia que lo era, es decir, evitar cuidadosamente la precipitación".
2. Regla del análisis. "Dividir cada uno de los problemas en tantas partes como sea posible para obtener una mejor solución".
3. Regla de la síntesis. "Comenzar el razonamiento por los objetos mas símples y más fáciles de conocer, para ir ascendiendo poco a poco al conocimiento de los más compuestos".
4. Regla de las comprobaciones. "Hacer en todo momento enumeraciones completas y revisiones generales".
En el discurso de Descartes postula que un error que provenga de una opinión no se produce por una carencia de inteligencia, sino que el error provendrá del método seguido. Lo primero que debemos plantearnos es cual es el mejor camino para llegar al fin requerido y por ello define el método cartesiano.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Refactoring to Patterns
A refactoring is a “behavior-preserve transformation” or, as Martin Fowler defines it, “a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior ”
The process of refactoring involves the removal of duplication, the simplification of complex logic, and the clarification of unclear code. When you refactor, you relentlessly poke and proud your code to improve its design. Such improvements may involve something as small as changing a variable name or as large as unifying two hierarchies.
To refactor safely, you must either manually test that your changes didn't break anything or run automated test. You will have more courage to refactor and be more willing to try experimental designs if you can quickly run automated test to confirm that your code still works.
What motivate Us to refactor?
Make easier to add new code
Improve the design of existing code
Gain a better understanding of code
Make coding less
Ward Cunningham recommends write human readable code, which means write code as like spoken language and separates important code from distracting code. And Martin Fowler said: Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
Keep code clean, is a lot like keeping a room clean. Once your room becomes a mess, it becomes harder to clean. The worse the mess becomes, the less you want to clean it.
Make little steps, in order to refactor a large piece of code you should start by get baby steps, like rename a variable or eliminate some duplicate code, besides is a good idea to start with test in order to prove that your changes don't change any behavior. Life cycle of test is: red, green, refactor. Which means using Junit you have to write test first (red) that guide you to the functionality and then you can create functionality(green) and finally you'll be able to start some refactor.
Composite refactorings are high-level refactorings composed of low-level refactorings. Much of the work performed by low-level refactorings involves moving code around. For example, extract method, moves code to a new method, pull up method, move method from a subclass to a superclass, extract class, moves code to a new class, and move method from the one class to another.
Substitute Algorithm, is a good example to refactoring that is best implemented using test-driven refactorings. It's essentially involves completely changing an existing algorithm for one that is simpler and clearer.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
As a Java Developer I realized how important is follow design patterns in our applications. I'm trying this book from Eric Freeman and it was really useful to me.
In my concern the two most popular design patterns are Strategy and Observer. Strategy Defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Strategy let's the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
In another hand we have observer pattern, basically Defines one to many dependency between objects so that when one object change state, all of its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
Design Patterns tell us how structure classes and objects to solve certain problems and it is our job to adapt those designs to fit our particular application. When you implements design patterns your code become more smart flexible and changeable. The only constant in software development systems as the life rule is the change. If we are thinking in develop a good code base and get ready for the work in the future like code maintenance you should implement this concepts.
Frameworks and libraries are also useful in software development, whit they you can create functionality more faster and easier but they are not design patterns; they provide specific implementations that we link into our code. Sometimes, however, libraries and frameworks make use of design patterns in their implementations. That's great, because once you understand you'll more quickly.
Design patterns don't go directly in your code, they first go into your brain. Once you've loaded your brain with a good working knowledge of patterns, you can start to apply them in to your new designs.
With this tools in the future you'll be able to design great applications and you'll feel like a good software architect.
Another great think about the book is define design principles as "A class should have only one reason to change" that introduces a term very common in oop is cohesion, that is a term you'll hear used as measure of how closely a class or a module supports a single purpose or responsability.
Every responsability of a class is an area of potential change. More than one responsability means more than one area of change.
source: Head First Design Patterns